Well gents, I think most if not all are enjoying our present ROC. The brain has been ticking as it does of what we could do, given the lack of new tracks, weather and other tools we could use in events for gtfn enjoyment.
So as it says above what do you think of a kart roc, I've picked a number of tracks, which we could mix in with our normal Thursday fun evening, yeah I know Joe is going to say KARTsss but how do you think it will go down with the other guys. We wouldn't make it a kart night, well not unless all are in favour just mix it in like we are now.
List of tracks I've looked at.
Brands Hatch; Willow ?; Dragon trail gardens; Maggiore east; Tokyo Ex central outer loop; BB raceway; Suzuka east.
Yeah I did say that, I sure couldn't do Karts for 4 to 5 hours lol, will have to do a bit of mileage picking the right tracks not like that Nurb GP
What next I asked, kart, kart what track I like this one, yeah right.
I almost slung the PS4 out the window, the R8 was bad enough for me, but I liked the C2 smile.
Thanks for a great night and great company.