For a long time now, I've been part of a number of commercial type forums and they all have one thing in common. Posts always seem to get lost in a long list as new posts are made, more often than not on a different topic.
Here you'll see you can post whats on your mind under different headings and the replies will all be on topic, not getting lost as they do in a standard forum.
Under heading like next event, you'll be able to comment which others can read and comment direct to your post, other can then read and comment on both, without the intervention of a new topic taking over, which I find very frustrating.
Hope you enjoy this addition to our TFN. This is an add on and, in no way meant for you to move from GTP.
Thanks Joe, there are lots of add ons like that we can use. At the moment I've refrained because of storage and bandwidth. I'm still learning and I'm sure with our gtfn members we'll end up with this being a good addition to our enjoyment. Like Andy said keep it fresh, interesting we'll all benefit.
I am really pleased that you've taken the time to inspect this new type of forum, you may agree with me that the look is a little more personal, than that of a commercial notice board type. I don't dislike the run of the mill type, but I do find them frustrating at times not being an IT wiz, I find myself spending more time searching for info and posts, inevitably at times to no avail.
Now this add on to our Thursday fun is starting to take shape, you can see that all the main info is always first in the list, any comments are a direct link and any replies are also linked to both making it a no brainer for ease of use, saving you and me a lot of time for the game we all love playing.
At the moment I've made this using the free site option, hence it can be a little slow at times. I've looked into a domain name. (comments) which is very little cost to me, and the cost of an upgrade here for more storage, bandwidth and no adds is not a lot.
If this small site proves to be useful to us, in that we continue to keep a good number taking interest in the group and, events we put on, it will then be worth it. You never know this free site may run out of space long before then.
Gents that have taken the time to join it, I take it you must like how it's laid out. If you have any comments, thoughts how to improve it even more. My son is an executive head chef, he always says visually make your plate outstanding, the mouth starts to salivate before you even taste the food.